Needlework Shops That Carry Lindy Stitches

Needlework Shops That Carry Lindy Stitches

Lindy Stitches Cross Stitch Charts

The following retailers carry Lindy Stitches patterns in their stores and are happy to work with you when gathering supplies for a project.  These shops are in my automatic shipment program and get my designs as soon as they are released.  Other shops carry my designs as well through my distributors (Hoffman Distributing & Yarn Tree).

Acorns & Threads

Beach Cottage Stitchers

Brick City Cross Stitch

BushMountain Stitchery

Cobweb Corner

Cross Stitch Express

Fancy Works

Far Away Designs, LLC

Farmers Attic

Fire Poppies

For the Stitcher's Soul

Hobby House Needleworks

Hollis Hands Create

House of Stitches

Sassy Jacks Stitchery

Stitches N Things

The Double Cross Stitcher

The Starlight Stitchery

Threads Entwined

Three Owl Threads LLC

Tinsmith's Shop

Top Knot Stitcher Shop

123 stitch

3 Stitches

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